Sustainability Technologies

Boron Oil Recovery

Boron Oil Recovery

As it is known, today, “Recycling” and “Recovery” systems are of great importance in terms of benefit and cost. Boron Oil Recovery ranks first among these systems. Especially in the Machining sector, boron oil, which is used for cooling purposes in production machines, becomes contaminated waste at the end of the production process. Constant renewal of this oil increases production costs. Therefore, recycling of accumulated contaminated waste is of great importance. The system design required for the recycling of waste stored as a result of production is a very useful and nature-friendly system. The primary aim of this system is to reduce the amount of waste generated to zero and reduce production costs.


The amount of new emulsion liquid required can be reduced by up to 1675
Safe use of emulsion liquid separated from both particles and sweater oils on benches
Extending the life of the emulsion liquid and reducing CO2 emissions
Healthy working conditions for machine operators, bacteria-free, less odor emulsion liquid
Machines operate at higher efficiency


Recovery of used emulsion fluid Separation of slide oils from emulsion fluid
Preventing bacterial growth in the emulsion liquid by injecting ozone gas into the tank
Subjecting the emulsion liquid to 10 micron particle filtration
Keeping the emulsion liquid clean at all times thanks to dirty and clean IBC tanks

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